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Steven Sullivan

"That's the real trouble with the world...too many people grow up"
- Walt Disney



Hey, I'm Steven! I was almost Steven Tyler but then my dad remembered why that sounded so familiar. So it's just Steven. Anyway, thanks for being here! And thanks even more for scrolling down a bit! I'm a 23 year old actor with a BA in theatre performance from James Madison University living in North Carolina. Look at that, you just learned like 5 things about me in one sentence. Perhaps a new record? We'll have to check on that. Some other things you might be interested to know about me include: I love meeting and working with new people, I think new work is super cool and some of the most fun material to work with, and I've been told I'm dependable but this is a situation where you're kind of forced to just take my word for it. Promise I'm telling the truth though. If you've made it this far, you deserve a reward! Click the button below to claim it! (It's a copy of my resume just for you!) 

What I've been up to

I recently relocated to Calabash, North Carolina where I became involved at the Brunswick Little Theatre. In October I performed as Nick in their Production of Over the River and Through the Woods and in December I will be playing Joe Farkas in The Last Night Of Ballyhoo.

In June I became a member of One On One Acting Studio which is primarily based in New York and Los Angeles. Through this studio I am able to take online classes with working agents and casting directors while I stay in North Carolina and work at the local Disney Store. 




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